Author: Lenara Verle

Art After Money, Money After Art

Great presentation and discussion with Max Haiven about his new book at Supermarkt Berlin. We gathered in three workshop groups to explore creative strategies WITHIN, AGAINST and BEYOND financialization. It was a lively discussion...

Poetics of Leadership

Between thoughts on where humanity is heading and how could we possibly lead and guide its course, we played a short round of the Currency Lab game. There were no group introductions, but I...

Inspiration Feed – 05.30

Is inequality natural, Commons & Cooperation, climate change, a new era of tolerance brought by new generations & more. links selection – 30.may.18

Currency examples past and present

Get the little fact book featuring 14 real world alternative currencies, several of which inspired the challenges in the Currency Lab board game. How did they solve those challenges? Many of their strategies were...

Mini game at Methods for Reclaiming Economy

The publication from Economia: a festival about the economy without the economists is out and it includes a printed version of the Currency Lab. The game was tweaked to fit a limited number of...

Mini version of Currency Lab

The Economia Festival is publishing a magazine and it will feature a simplified (but not at all less fun) version of the board game. Despite its small size, almost all challenges and strategies fit in....

Inspiration Feed – 08.20

End of capitalism, basic income, beyond renewable energy, useless jobs, garden hacking & more. links selection – 20.aug.17

Designing Speculation, Creation and Gift

The workshop participants at Economia Festival helped define some “magic numbers” in the Warhols currency design, in this way influencing the three economies (Speculation, Creation and Gift) programmed into this experimental digital money. One...

Trading Floor Game

The Money & Society MOOC gathered a group of participants IRL and, among other things, we ran around the room trading playing cards for other cards and – most important – for candy. It...

Three Economies in the Warhols Currency

The Warhols experimental art currency is coming to the Economia Festival in Eindhoven. Attendees will be able to get and spend their Warhols in three quite different ways.   The Creative Economy is organized...

Subversive Economies at Nuvem

(abaixo versão em português) The rural station for art & technology gathered this December a group to exchange “proposals, ideas, elucubrations – practical or theoretical, fictional or in progress – aiming to subvert...

Inspiration Feed – 11.08

Emancipatory catastrophism, universal basic dividend, post-growth, the commons paradigm & more. links selection – 08.nov.16

Community Value at Supermarkt Berlin

This two-day event featured round tables, presentations and discussions about money and community. It was part of the series “Art, Money & Self Organization in Digital Capitalism” The participants included representatives from several community...

Visit to the Art Reserve Bank Mint

I got to visit the place where the art coins are brought to life with the help of a huge vintage manual metal press. As manager of the Berlin branch and enthusiast of the...

Inspiration Feed – 04.10

Sustainable Development, sharing by owning, Tragedy of the Commons debunked, democracy vs inequality & more. links selection – 10.apr.16

Zeit ist nicht Geld – Parallel Crossings

It was an inspiring night presenting Charles Eisenstein’s Sacred Economics video, the Spreeblüte local Berlin currency and neighborhood activity group Polly & Bob for the Parallel Crossings festival meeting, along with the CurrencyLab game....

Inspiration Feed – 01.12

Magna Carta and the commons, Prosperity vs Growth, digital revolution, the super-rich and offshore assets & more. links selection – 12.jan.16